Grace Edgewood


2512 Spooner Ave.
Altoona WI 54720
Survey Year: 2024
Beds/Units: 50 Units

Camille Atchison
(715) 832-5813

Dementia Specific

The facility is dedicated to a holistic philosophy that embraces and fosters individualized dementia-centered care and support.


Modules Score Possible Score Percent
All 1024 1328 77.11 %
Module 1: Supportive and Therapeutic Environment 253 304 83.22 %
Module 2: Information, Education and Support 188 316 59.49 %
Module 3: Assessment and Care Planning 315 344 91.57 %
Module 4: Life Enrichment 157 235 66.81 %
Module 5: Workforce 111 129 86.05 %