Best Western Premier Park Hotel
22 S Carroll St.
Madison, WI 53703
LeadingAge Wisconsin's 2023 Advocacy Day at the Capitol is returning this year to an in-person event in Madison with a morning program and meetings scheduled for you with your state legislators!
The strength of LeadingAge Wisconsin advocacy efforts comes from members like you and the relationships you build with your legislators. One of the easiest ways to build upon your relationships is to attend our annual Advocacy Day at the Capitol.
As long-term care providers, it is important for you to share the significant challenges you have faced over the last few years, including the lingering effects of the pandemic that continue to exacerbate staffing shortages, funding limitations, and regulatory burdens. Policy and funding decisions impacting these critical issues will be in play this session, and legislators need to hear from you so they understand and support the valuable programs and services you provide in their communities.
At LeadingAge Wisconsin's Advocacy Day event, you will have the opportunity to hear from elected officials, the Governor's Administration, and others involved in the policy-making process, before you head up to the Capitol to meet with your state legislators. This is your time to connect with lawmakers while they are making critical decisions about the state budget and long-term care priorities. By sharing your story, you can personalize the issues and influence the outcome of the state budget and pending legislation. As providers, your credibility makes you the perfect experts to advocate for your community and the residents you serve!
If you have attended past Advocacy Days, please encourage your co-workers to join you this year; and if you are new Advocacy Day, make this year the year you decide to join us! Register today for this important opportunity to meet with your state legislators and advocate for the issues that matter the most to you and your residents!
Registration for this year's Advocacy Day At The Capitol is sponsored by Value First. Registration is FREE and includes the morning program and lunch.
Best Western Premier Park Hotel (on the Madison Capitol Square)
22 S. Carroll Street
Madison, WI 53703
Attention LeadingAge Wisconsin Board of Directors and/or members interested in arriving on Monday, March 13th:
A block of rooms is being held at the Best Western Premier Park Hotel for Monday, March 13th under the group block of "LeadingAge WI Advocacy Day". Please click on the link here to book a room at your own expense. A limited number of rooms are reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis and the block will expire on February 13, 2023.
9:00 a.m. Registration
9:30 a.m. Guest Speakers and Presentations
12:00 p.m. Lunch and Issues Briefing
1:00 - 3:00 pm. Legislative Visits at the Capitol
This event is specifically designed to prepare you and your team memberstovisit with your State Legislators. (This is not a traditional educational program and CEUs will not be offered). The most important aspect of our Advocacy Day is meeting with your legislators or their staff during the time we have set aside in the afternoon.
In order to participate in Advocacy Day, all attendees must register for the event. Upon completing registration, there is nothing more you need to do. LeadingAge Wisconsin staff will schedule your legislative visits for you and will send you confirmation of your meeting and further details a week prior to the event.
*Please include the address of YOUR FACILITY as part of the registration so LeadingAge Wisconsin can schedule you with the appropriate State Senator and Representative. Your appointments will be scheduled between 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
LeadingAge Wisconsin staff will brief you on the issues related to the state budget and our other legislative priorities, and will provide you with all the materials you will need to have a successful meeting with your legislators.
If you have any questions about legislative visits, please contactRachel Vander Wieleat or Annette Cruz at
**If you cannot attend the event after you have registered, please contact Rachel Vander Wiele in advance, so we can cancel your appointment in a timely manner.