Synergy Meeting

Event Date(s): Wed, 3/26/2025 10:00 AM - Wed, 3/26/2025 2:00 PM
Location: In-Person, De Forest

Jen Brieske & Missy Pohlman, co-chairs of Synergy, invite you to the next LeadingAge Wisconsin Synergy meeting which will be held in-person from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Comfort Inn & Suites - De Forest on Wednesday, March 26, 2025.

Join us for an engaging meeting as we welcome a panel of providers who have first-hand experience in managing an unplanned emergency. Learn from their perspectives on how they managed the crisis, what went well, and lessons learned from their experience.

Following lunch, the discussion we feature experts who will share best practices and implementation strategies for your organization's Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement (QAPI) process.

Learner Objectives:

  • Participants will learn how to prepare for disaster situations and how to handle working with outside contractors in order to provide safe resident transitions.
  • Participants will learn how to revise and improve their current Emergency Preparedness Policies and Procedures based on feedback from speaker panel experience and lessons learned.
  • Participants will learn how to coordinate with the Division of Quality Assurance (DQA) in order to ensure regulatory compliance during Emergency situations.
  • Participants will learn strategies to effectively evaluate their facility’s QAPI program.
  • Participants will learn how to ensure all the necessary components of their QAPI program are implemented and working to maximize the care and services being provided to the residents.


  • Justin Cieslewicz, Administrator, Edgewater Haven, Port Edwards, WI
  • Lori Koeppel, Executive Director, Wisconsin DON Council, Hartford, WI
  • Missy Pohlman, Director of Nursing, Riverside Transitional Care, La Crosse, WI
  • Michael Schanke, President, Oakridge Gardens Rehabilitation Center, Menasha, WI
  • Patrick Senzig, Administrator, Riverside Transitional Care, La Crosse, WI
  • Mallory York, Director of Nursing, Morrow Home, Sparta, WI

Meeting Date/Location Details:

  • Wednesday, March 26 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
  • Comfort Inn & Suites - 5025 County Hwy V, De Forest, Wisconsin, 53532
  • Live Session: Preparing for an Unplanned Emergency (10:00a-12:00p)
  • Lunch break: 12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.
  • Live Session: QAPI: Improving Your Quality Improvement Program (12:30-2:00p)


3.5 CEUs

REMINDER: To participate in Synergy for 2025, you must complete the membership registration prior to the meeting. To sign up for the Synergy annual membership, click here.

Please RSVP for the Spring Synergy meeting via the following link: We are excited to see you at the Synergy meeting on Wednesday, March 26, 2025.