No More Team Drama: Ending the Gossip, Cliques, and Crap that Damage Workplace Teams
Event Date(s): Wed, 6/10/2020 10:00 AM -
Wed, 6/10/2020 11:00 AM
Location: Online Webinar Series
Gossip. Infighting. Complaints. Cliques. Drama is what occurs when team members aren’t given the tools or support they need to rise above stress, selfishness, and disagreements. Team drama wreaks havoc on organizational health. It damages morale, productivity, engagement, and retention. Drama leads to family complaints, lost revenue, and a talent exodus. It also sucks the life out of every manager it touches, monopolizing their time and obliterating their spirit. This is why leaders at every level, in every industry, have a duty to build team unity and prevent team drama. Joe Mull's No More Team Drama program deftly merges research in psychology, organizational development, and employee engagement with the author’s practical experience training leaders and teams all over the United States. The result is a captivating primer on improving the quality of interactions between employees in the workplace.